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June 17, 2022

Smarter Printing for Education

The education industry deals with a lot of sensitive information that is meant to be kept private. When it comes to printing it can feel overwhelming and troublesome to manage all printing functions while keeping data secured. Tricerat broke down the key components of achieving smarter printing in education so that you don't have to struggle.  

Printing Needs for Education

Whether it’s a kindergarten class, a world-class university, or anything in between, your school has two groups who need to print – faculty and students. You don’t want students having access to sensitive faculty data and you don’t want your employee print queue filled up with term papers. Tricerat's print management software enables personalized user settings without roaming profiles, as well as secure desktop deployment and allows users to print from any printer on any device. With our print management solutions, students don't see the teacher’s side of the network, and vice versa. We have ways of getting that accomplished that still keeps your print management as simple as possible. You don’t need to rely on one system for teachers and one for students. That’s too complicated and unnecessary.

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Printing in Privacy

As with anything involving children, privacy and safety is a top priority. We understand you may feel something like a class roster, grades, a person’s home address, medical records, personnel files, an Education Enrichment Plan (EEP), or a variety of other information you have within your internal system may need to be protected. Tricerat doesn't process any print data through our application; your private information will remain private.

Cutting Printing Costs in Education

Nearly across the board, schools are concerned with sticking to a strict budget. Wouldn’t it be great to print in a way that made it easier to do so? Tricerat solutions empower school leadership to eliminate costly overhead issues. One way this is possible is by reducing the need for a large IT department. Our system delivers the best of modern education with printing solutions that won’t drain resources, reducing bottlenecks and breakdowns. Plus, our cost of implementation is extremely low due to fast, easy installation. It’s simple to set up and even easier to use on an ongoing basis. Your IT department can shift focus from printing to high-value tasks.

Even if you're not in the education industry, the last thing you want is to add another application to stay on-task. Tricerat is here to clear away the clutter, from your printing and from your workday in general.

Click below to download the full guide and learn how Tricerat ScrewDrivers can lead to greater efficiency for your organization, regardless of industry, through smarter printing.

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