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The Hidden Cost of Printing

By understanding where your organization incurs costs, you can take control and achieve a return on investment by implementing the right solution.

1Number of Support Case and Tickets

The estimated or actual total number of support desk cases or tickets that your department receives, regardless of issue area.

Nearly 1 in 4 support cases and tickets are printing related (1 for you). Of those, 15% are escalated beyond the first level of support which can triple or even quadruple the cost per ticket!

2Time Spent on Printing Configuration and Administration

The time your team spends on printing related pains outside of cases like GPOs, scripts, policies, etc.

55% of the cost of ownership of printing devices are indirect costs like management, configuration, and end user productivity reduction. That is more than the cost of consumables!

The Hidden Cost of Printing Your Total Support Cost Per Year: Your Total Admin Cost Per Year: Your Cost of Printing Per Year is*: Your Cost of Printing Per Year Could Be**: Your Total Savings:

This calculator is based on real industry data. The potential costs of printing can actually go beyond the numbers here: 1-3% of total annual revenue can be represented by printing.

Tricerat can reduce these costs by up to 65% while improving intangible costs like user satisfaction, business processes, and forecasting.

*Your cost of printing goes beyond what is calculated here; 1-3% of total annual revenue can be represented by printing! Fear not, implementing intangible costs like customer and end user satisfaction, improved business processes, and better forecasting, which will decrease your overall cost of printing.

**Tricerat provides this cost calculator to help its customers determine whether licensing Tricerat's software is appropriate for them. This tool only provides estimates, and these estimates are not guarantee of savings. Tricerat provides the tool "as is" and hereby disclaimes all liability and will not be liable for any damages, including consequentials, incidentals, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or exemplary damages arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the tool, whether based on contract, tort, negligence, strict liability or otherwise arising from or related to the tool or its use. For a more in-depth analysis of your enterprise needs please contact Tricerat

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How much could printing really cost?

The average IT team spends at least 15% of time responding to printing-related tasks. As each ticket escalates beyond the first level of support, the more costs your organization spends in labor alone.

Gain Control Over the Elusive Costs of Printing


The Bottom Line

Most companies drastically underestimate the amount of money that goes into printing, through both direct and indirect costs. The good news: the right solution can eliminate that spending by up to 30%.

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Operating Costs
45% of print-related costs occur from consumables, operators/techs, network management, and infrastructure. The power to manage the hardware results in increased spend.
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Indirect Costs
50% of the costs of printing are indirect costs — that's your help desk and support, hits to end users productivity, maintenance/warranty, and under using or not using existing assets.
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Hardware Costs
Only 5% of printing costs are attributed to hardware. Printers, print servers, and hard disk technology are typically not a major cost factor.
Tricerat's solution [saves] our company tens of thousands in support costs.
Tricerat Customer