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September 13, 2017

VMworld 2017: Another Great Show in the Books!

Making a difference at VMworld 2017

What do you get when you add the industry's largest cloud infrastructure and digital workspace conference, an excited Tricerat team, a Nintendo Switch and dozens of giveaways?

The most successful conference in Tricerat history. We are happy to be home and refreshed from VMware's VMworld 2017 in Las Vegas, a conference that we have attended for more than one decade. Things looked a little different this year-- we hosted a larger booth than ever before and brought along more team members to make an even bigger splash on the expo floor. Visitors to booth 1407 had the chance to unwind with a game of Nintendo Switch Mario Kart, meet directly with our engineers and even catch a glimpse of our products paired with the unique challenges they face as an organization.

VMworld 2017 takeaways:

  • The biggest hit? Our universal driver technology, along with our ability to deliver advanced print feature functionality was significant for many prospects.
  • Our prospects and customers want to know more about being mobile. The mobile aspects of Simplify Printing TX had our visitors raising eyebrows and saying, "we need this!"
  • We picked up on an overall conference theme of problem solving and innovation. We kept those same themes alive at the booth by addressing specific problems that our customers and prospects face-- and then solving them.
  • Our solutions are beyond comparison. In our downtime, we had the chance to walk the floor and check out what else is going on in the industry. The net? Our solutions are inclusive, comprehensive and valuable. Not all other vendors can say the same thing.

Catch us on the flip side:

Tricerat presents VMware Horizon View users the power to quickly and seamlessly build printers for zero client, thin client and traditional thick client PCs, as well as applications and desktops hosted on terminal servers. We know the conference setting can a little hectic, so now is a great time to catch up with us about printing in your VMware environment one-on-one. Contact our team or ask us a question below in the comments!

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