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January 14, 2020

Andrew Parlette and David Marshall discuss End User Computing and DISRUPT 2020

January 9, 2020 by David Marshall

David Marshall from VMblog interviewed Andrew Parlette, CTO at Tricerat prior to DISRUPT. This exclusive pre-show VMblog interview will dive into who Tricerat is and what they have planned for the DISRUPT event.

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VMblog: To kick things off, can you tell readers a little bit about Tricerat?

Parlette: Tricerat has improved printing in EUC environments for over 20 years as a partner with Citrix, Microsoft, VMware, and others. Tricerat pioneered the first virtual print driver to solve printing problems and driver management headaches in remote desktops. They have continued to expand their product line to address a wide range of printing methods and hybrid technologies.

VMblog: Talk about your technology, what problems do you solve? And how are you considered unique?

Parlette: Tricerat's printing technology adapts to a wide variety of environments including remote desktop, physical desktop, cloud applications, print server printing, direct printing, client printing, mobile, and more. ScrewDrivers solves time-consuming challenges for administrators through the simple management console and delivers high performance and consistent printing to end users. The ability to dynamically build the right printer based on user and device gives the best possible user experience and reduces print waste.

VMblog: Explain how you partner with IGEL.

Parlette: Combining Tricerat's printing solutions with IGEL's centralization of endpoint management, admins can effectively manage all aspects of the user environment. Tricerat manages printing in all EUC environments including VDI and WVD, and user printing can be managed in the remote desktop for network printers or utilize local printers connected to an IGEL client using the ScrewDrivers Linux Client. For dynamic printer assignments, printers can be assigned to users based on the IGEL client in use along with the group memberships for the user.

VMblog: What do you plan to show off at your booth at DISRUPT 2020?

Parlette: Tricerat will be demonstrating easy print management in hybrid environments and the new Linux client for complete printer management. The ScrewDrivers Linux Client with full compatibility for IGEL endpoints further expands the variety of printing methods supported by ScrewDrivers.

VMblog: Why do you think DISRUPT is a much needed event this year?

Parlette: The EUC space continues to grow in capability and possibility including the excitement around WVD and cloud desktops. Now more than ever admins need tools to simplify the otherwise complex environments and leverage solutions that increase administrator efficiency while delivering a better experience to their users. IGEL's software-defined endpoint platform is an example of this and the ever-improving capabilities of a solution stack for VDI.

VMblog: What do you attribute to the growing success of End User Computing? Why has it become so popular lately?

Parlette: The EUC platforms have had consistent improvements over the years thanks to improvements in hardware, operating systems, client devices, connectivity, and software management layers. Recent innovations helped enable the Windows Virtual Desktop service offering including multi-user Windows 10.

VMblog: Finally, how does Tricerat and your solution help with the growth of the EUC market?

Parlette: Tricerat innovations in print management have helped administrators achieve even better utilization of their EUC platforms. Tricerat offers advantages for both admins and users. By offering methods of dynamically and intelligently distributing printers to users with minimal driver hassles, efficiency gains can quickly drive a return on investment throughout organizations and improve user productivity.

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