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March 11, 2022

End Users Impacted By Slow Windows Logon Times

Slow logon times can be very frustrating for end users and lead to work delays for an organization. The most common issues causing slow logons are profile loading, slow GPO and script processing, and print queue creation. In this post we will explore how end users are impacted by slow logons and dive a little deeper into the most common causes.

Slow Logon Times Impact on End Users

Although the above video is a satirization of what end users experience while waiting for logons to complete it isn't far off from the reality. End users that are ready to begin their work day oftentimes get discouraged or distracted when their machine takes ages to boot up and logon. In a study conducted by Microsoft, it was determined that the average human attention span has shrunk to just 8 seconds. In order for end users to work efficiently, their machines need to logon with speed and regularity that they can depend on. Rectifying this issue begins with understanding the main causes of slow logons.

Exploring Slow Logon Causes

Issues Loading Profiles: Bloated roaming profiles are one of the top reasons for slow logon times. Roaming profiles are the most common as they stay consistent across servers and individual sessions while maintaining personalized settings. The downside to this is that profiles often become bloated and significantly slow the logon process. This issue compounds quickly when multiple users are logging on to a shared virtual server and the storage system and network have to process a large amount of files at the same time.

GPO and Script Processing: Another issue that adds to slow logon times for users is the processing of GPO's and scripts intended for printer creation and print driver installation. GPO's themselves can be difficult for sys admins to keep track of and they can quickly become bulky. The processing of these GPO's and scripts upon logon can significantly add to wait times. This process involves copying the policies from the domain controller, parsing each file, and then applying the settings into the session. At scale, these complexities can add valuable seconds to the logon process for each user.

Creation of Print Queue: The printer mapping process during user logons can also cause delays in the desktop or application loading. Windows network printers will download and install the print driver and then connect to the printer. This is iterated for the number of printers and often slows down the logon time for the user. When utilizing Citrix printers, the printing policies must be evaluated and then the print queues created while the user is waiting.

Solution for Slow Logons

The Windows logon process is complex and can frustrate end users when they have long wait times. Print Management solutions like Tricerat's ScrewDrivers® optimize the logon process and provide a more efficient alternative to the built-in Windows methods. With ScrewDrivers, printers are built asynchronously with the logon process and the printers will show up in the session, thus eliminating the delay for users. ScrewDrivers also uses database queries to determine what printers need to be created for the user, offering the fastest possible processing. Check out ScrewDrivers in action with our recorded demo below.

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