Tricerat Blog

DISRUPT Unite Round Up

Written by Nick Melefsky, Digital Marketing Specialist | Mar 12, 2021 1:55:13 PM

Last month, IGEL’s DISRUPT Unite virtual event brought together thousands of people from all over the world to focus on cloud workspace innovation. The day was full of inspirational presentations, informative breakouts, and a great exhibitor area with tons of prizes. Come along as we check out some of the highlights from the Tricerat staff that were able to attend.

What is New With IGEL?

As with any event you can expect to see some updates from the company that is hosting and DISRUPT Unite was no exception. IGEL’s CEO, Jed Ayers, spoke during the keynote presentation and addressed the latest updates at IGEL and the impact that COVID-19 has had on the tech industry. One big announcement during the keynote was that IGEL now has integration with Amazon WorkSpaces (AWS). Through the pandemic, IGEL has seen an increase in demand for DaaS solutions powered by cloud providers. This move will allow AWS customers to take advantage of an end-to-end solution through IGEL’s secure platform.

Though this is really big news for IGEL that wasn’t the only thing worth noting. Jed Ayers also spoke on the recent majority investment into IGEL by TA Associates. The private equity firm views IGEL as a solution for the ever increasing need to deploy secure end-user computing across the globe. Suffice to say, it was a big day for IGEL and the future of end-user computing.

Improvements in WVD

After the excitement of the key note presentation attendees were turned loose to view various breakouts. One of the breakouts that got our team’s attention was “Why WVD is Just Getting Better”. Over the last 6 months, the WVD team has been working overtime in order to offer serious optimizations including;

  • Ease of management
  • Increased collaboration
  • Reduced latency
  • Reduced costs

The optimization that stood out most was the reduced costs so we will dive a little deeper into how WVD was able to achieve that.

WVD’s overall cost is dropping due to new offerings of discounts, and app attach (a way to lower the cost of management of your WVD platform). With WVD you will only be paying for what you use, thus having an immediate impact to your bottom line. Compared to an on-prem solution, WVD also gets cheaper over time as you’re able to optimize in ways you never could on-prem. All of these updates make you wonder, is this the year of WVD? Hear what Tricerat's COO and Cláudio Rodrigues had to say about that in a recent interview

Our Tips for Your Next Virtual Event

As great a virtual event as DISRUPT Unite was the world is still a ways off from having large in-person events. With more and more virtual gatherings filling our own calendars we wanted to leave you with some of our best tips for making the most out of your next online event.

  1.  Make yourself available. Virtual events are different than your standard 30 minute to 1 hour webinar. You’re going to want to do your best to free up yourself for the entirety of the event. Make an attempt to not schedule meetings, keep your distractions to a minimum, and give yourself breaks to stretch and snack throughout the event.
  2. Have a back up plan. Streams crash, systems fail, and the internet isn't always reliable. Make sure you have your agenda outlined and you know what you want to get to before the day of the event. Note down any support contacts ahead of time or any speakers you may want to follow up with after the event. Once things go wrong it's typically harder to find those details. 
  3. Treat the event as if you were there in person. If you attend a session that particularly impacted you then don’t be afraid to connect with the speaker on LinkedIn or give them a shoutout on Twitter. Reach out to them with any questions you may have or ask where you can get more info.