Tricerat Blog

It's That Time of Year Again: Citrix Synergy

Written by Tricerat | May 4, 2017 9:48:00 AM

In a few weeks, the Tricerat team will be packing their bags and heading down south to sunny Orlando. The Citrix Synergy conference is billed as the premier industry conference on digital business transformation and we couldn’t agree more. Every year we leave this event feeling invigorated and excited about what’s next for Citrix. As a longtime Citrix partner, we look forward to attending this year as a bronze sponsor while also manning an expo booth. In addition to the usual excitement around seeing Citrix leaders like Kirill Tatarinov and PJ Hough, the team is also looking forward to keynotes from Gen. Colin Powell and author and journalist Malcolm Gladwell.

Meet Our Citrix Synergy Team:

This year’s team will include Citrix conference veterans and a few ‘newbies.’ We are excited to introduce Hannah, David and Paul—just a few of the faces you will see at booth 506 starting on May 23rd!

What are you most looking forward to seeing or learning at Citrix Synergy?

D: Synergy will be my first Citrix Conference! I am personally looking forward to the Innovation Super Session Series with General Colin Powell and Malcom Gladwell. I am particularly intrigued by Malcom Gladwell and the way he challenges his readers. I am also to hear from retired Four-Star General Colin Powell because of his vast experience and service to our country. I enjoy reading about his life and am inspired about his commitment to helping the younger generation embrace both leadership and technology.

I am really looking forward to the Welcome Session and Navigator’s Reception which are designed as a networking opportunity for first-time attendees to plan and understand how to get the most from the conference. The experts/seasoned veterans will share their insights and experiences on how to maximize the time there as I am sure these events can seem overwhelming. I am also looking forward to connecting with some of our main partners and continuing to strengthen our relationships within the Channel Program.

H: Hands down, Malcolm Gladwell. I have always been an enormous fan of his. I truly hope to make it to his session.

What can conference attendees expect from expo booth 506?

D: The team will be available during the conference to answer questions, provide demos of our solutions and network. Our visitors will be able to see firsthand what our solutions are able to solve and how implementing them can aid in achieving technological and financial initiatives.

H: Coming by our booth will a great way to see our products in action, meet the team, and enter for a chance to win a super cool giveaway prize! I am particularly excited about Simplify Printing TX this year—the product is the best it has ever been. I can’t wait to have conversations about how Simplify Printing TX can extend and enhance mobile printing for organizations. We have seen a dramatic need in the marketplace, so I am anxious to see what Synergy will bring to the conversation. We will be focusing heavily on printing—the issues are still there and the Tricerat team is always eager to dig into solving printing issues for those in need.

P: Great product demos. There is nothing like seeing a demonstration of our software firsthand while having an expert answer questions and tailor the demo to your organization’s needs. I’m particularly excited to show off the new v6 UIs and demonstrate the advanced print features.

What do you hope to see from the Citrix team?

D: I look forward to seeing Citrix’s strategy for focusing on the ‘workspace for the future’…this is exciting for Tricerat! This theme supports our work with Simplify TX, I’m looking forward to showing our users how. As printing environments become more complex and more organizations are implementing BYOD policies, Tricerat becomes more and more the answer for addressing this demand. I believe that the trend will lead this age to embrace our brand—our moniker, “We Make IT Simple.”

H: I’m looking forward to meeting the best minds in our industry and learning new things. There is something very powerful about putting all of these people in the same room.

We hope to see you at Citrix Synergy, particularly at booth 506!